Monday, June 4, 2007

Day 1, Mon, Jun 4, 2007, Hampton, TN to Crossville, TN

Day 1, Monday, June 4, 2007

We picked up Anna (our neighbor that is going with us as far as Missouri) around 1:30, only 3 ½ hours late. It is now 2:30 and we’ve made it as far as Johnson City and we’re now on our way back to Elizabethton; however, we did stop at the Post Office and the Water Office to see about having our water shut off, since Jerry couldn’t get it turned off this morning. We were checking our “to do” list and realized we didn’t get new tags for the motorhome. They expire in August, so we turned around in Johnson City and so now we’re headed back to Elizabethton. As Jerry just said, “we’ve driven 30 miles and gotten nowhere.” Anna is listening to her music and is quite unconcerned about it all.

We finally got out of town and had an uneventful trip to Crossville, TN. We stopped and ate at the Bean Pot restaurant and went the short distance on to the Cumberland Mountain State Park near Crossville and found a nice campsite to settle in for the night.

Gas prices here are $2.97/gal, but we don’t need any yet.

Pictures: Click here

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're on your way. See you soon. It will be good to check on your trip. Vicki
